Who or What is El-Qaeda?

As we goes through these changes, more and more people want to know the truth while some are still ready to make choices about their lives bed on myths whether self perpetuated, or government generated… We must be prepared to question what we believe in order to know the truth, because without that truth, millions of people will continue to die and/or have their lives shaped by the current of events instead of themselves, and our natural resources exploited for the benefit of a few.

Who or What is El-Qaeda?

This is the Prologue to the new documentary from The Corbett Report, Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist. This

documentary interrogates the notion that Osama Bin Laden single-handedly runs the pervasive Al Qaeda terrorist network by examining its inception, its links to Western intelligence, the double agents and fictitious characters that populate its ranks, and the fraudulent ways the Al Qaeda myth is propagated in the controlled corporate media.

The documentary also offers ways that citizens can become involved in helping to spread understanding about the true government-sponsored terror paradigm.

Part IB

The ‘Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist’ Documentary, dealing with the Founding and Funding of what we know as Al Qaeda, including information on Brzezinski, Operation Cyclone, the CIA, the ISI, MAK, and of course Osama Bin Laden.

Part II

This installment of the documentary goes into Zbigniew Brzezinski, Operation Cyclone, the

ISI-CIA-MAK-US government funding circle and CIA connections to Osama Bin Laden.

…and the kicker:

The BBC: Al Qaeda Does Not Exist

Al-Qaeda are a controlled opposition force of the Central Intelligence Agency to promote their middle east destabilization process. To give empirical U.S. Military Industrial Complex a reason to invade wherever they want in the ever widening propaganda called the “war on terror”.

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One thought on “Who or What is El-Qaeda?

  1. Hey, I ran into your page from digg. It’s not something I would normally read, but I loved your perspective on it. Thank you for making something worth reading!

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