Activists for Gaza We Applaud You

Activists for Gaza We Applaud You

People Power Strikes Again

To all those who raised their voices, and their pen, and more importantly to those who went out there to break the Gaza siege with much needed aid, and of course to those who were injured in the process and lost their lives (including 8 Turkish nationales, 1 Turkish-American, 1 American), we applaud you… We pray for the release of all activists (including 400 Turkish nationales) captured by Israel.

The Flotilla
The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza have made it known in a statement that Israel “stole” the passports of 10 foreign peace activists, and confiscated 31 passports belonging to foreign activists fearing that Israel might use the passports in Mossad activities, as they have done recently.

Gaza’s Response
Gaza now has reason to feel optimistic after being left to die by the international community. Non-stop calls from around the world from NGO’s and public figures to Gaza minister, and chair of the Popular Committee for Confronting the Siege, Gamal Al-Khodari, making promises to continue the fight by sending more fleets to break the siege. Khodari told Al Ahram Weekly:

    “It’s a snowball that will not stop until all forms of the unjust siege of Gaza come to an end.

    “The outcome of Israeli’s attack on the Freedom Flotilla has affected them adversely. Through these killings, Israel wanted to deter peace activists who support the besieged Palestinian people from continuing their efforts to challenge the siege and penetrate it. But the blood which was spilled by Israeli bullets has led more international and Arab organizations to sponsor more fleets to break the blockade and reveal Israel’s ugly face”

Hamas’s Ismael Haniyeh (Gaza’s Prime Minister) government, has refused to accept any aid from the flotilla that is being held by Israel until Israel releases all the activists they have captured and imprisoned.

The International Response
The promise of continued support has already begun.

• The Jewish community of Germany is sending out vessels with humanitarian aid – hands up to the real Jews.

• Egypt has opened the border to allow for humanitarian aid and traveling. They said the border would be left open indefinitely, but time will tell. This border has been the main means of access to the outside world for Palestinians. After 24 hours of opening the border two convoys of medical supplies and food passed through from Egypt’s Alexandria’s Pharmaceutical Syndicate after many stoppages en route from Alexandria to the border town of Rafah. Finally their medical supplies were allowed in, but not the food. Fearing that the food would rot, the Syndicate returned leaving the food in a Doctor’s Syndicate warehouse. Opposition MP’s (Muslim Brotherhood, and Karama) took a convoy of cement, steel and humanitarian aid. The aim was to make a point about what is not being allowed into Gaza. Eventually they were allowed into Gaza on June 08th. Another convoy of food items banned by Israel is on its way including novelist Radwa Ashour today.

• Lebanon is sending a ship to Gaza with Lebanese and Arab journalists as well as European MP’s.

• Jordan is planning to send a flotilla, with too many activists clamoring to go.

• Kuwait donations are pouring in to sponsor a flotilla

• Algeria is planning to send a flotilla

Israeli Response
Israel got more than they bargained for from the international outcry. Before U.S. President Obama met with puppet President for Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, Israel declared that they would allow snacks and beverages into Gaza. However, given the state of hunger and malnutrition that the Gazans have suffered at the hands of Israel, real food, and medical aid would be more appropriate.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas might be a little embarrassed right now, as he has been complicit in the upholding of the siege as Gaza did not vote for him. All of a sudden it seems acceptable to talk to Hamas. Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa is intending to visit Gaza after ignoring invitations from Hamas. Europe looks as if it will be playing a stronger role as the Palestinian Authority are now engaged with more talks with the European Union. Will these talks lead anywhere only the willing can assure, but the focus seems to be to submit a plan to the International Quartet (G4) to end the Gaza siege.

All the above information came from the reputable Al Ahram Weekly 10 -16 June 2010.

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