Implant RFID Chip Technology in Students without Parental Consent*

Implant RFID Chip Technology in Students without Parental Consent*


e8dff-68408_489345344421177_9856419_nObviously, Wyoming hasn’t heard about the Yemeni boy who was given an RFID to plant on his surrogate father, which made it easier for a drone to target and then kill him.

Wyoming recently saw several hundred elementary and middle school children being implanted with the new MINI RFID. During their annual physical checkup and vaccination last month, each child additionally received the implant between their pointing finger and thumb.

Some parents took issue with the school’s approach, claiming the implants were performed without their foreknowledge or consent. Superintendent Gerald Morgan of the Carbon County school district tells National Report that most of these complaints come from families with heavily rooted religious backgrounds.

Xenophobia and superstitions are a common affliction among rural communities. Many fringe Christian sects believe Obama to be the Anti-Christ and the RFID chip the Mark of the Beast spoke about in their Book of Revelation. During the Second Coming and the arrival of the “Anti-Christ” all of humanity supposedly will be forced to accept the mark or perish.  However, any who receive the brand of the Anti-Christ  will be punished by the Christian God with eternal damnation.

The rest of the Wyomingites were ecstatic to welcome their town’s children into the fold. Citizens say they’ve never felt better since accepting the Obamacare RFID implant and are proud to be torch carriers for a safer and brighter future.

Janice Willowbrook, whose child goes to St. Paul middle school in Rawlins, Wyoming says she’s not bothered by what the schools did. “I don’t mind that they went ahead and had my child implanted. I was going to do it anyway. If anything they saved me a stressful doctors visit.”


When asked why she thought some of the other parents were upset with the schools actions she told us “Unfortunately we still have some locals who are very old fashioned. They like to buy into all these nutty conspiracy theories and what-not.  Believing everything their pastors say or the silly things they read on the internet. I hope that eventually we can all shed our fear of change and accept that this is the responsible thing to do as a country.”





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