Bill Gates and Population Control

Bill Gates and Population Control

By Hwaa Irfan

There is an old piece of news that should not be allowed to disappear into the archives, because there are people alive who are, and will be affected by it. First of all, one has to thank Bill Gates as the driving force behind the computer and the Internet; after all, without him I might not be able to share this deliberation. However, there are serious concerns with the philanthropic activities of Microsoft co-founder, and the richest man in the world, Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

It was in 2007 that Bill Gates spoke to graduates at Harvard University about his dream of an “ideal technology” pertaining to diseases like malaria. A curious term “technology” when applied to human lives. One wonders in his call for pharmaceutical companies to produce the necessary drugs, if he realizes the nature of the pharmaceutical industry, and how it prices profit over human cost. One wonders if he realizes that the nature of human health, well-being, and the environment are a little more complex than the IT that he has been his world since 1975, for in the real world, to find real solutions, one has to listen to, and explore all sides.

The Gates Foundation has put millions, hoping to attract millions, behind their vaccination campaign. The explanation given on the website in brief:

    “Vaccines are one of the most effective health interventions ever developed. We are committed to research on new vaccines, and the delivery of existing and future vaccines to those who need them. We can’t do it alone though. Donors, private industry and other partners are critical to ensuring we can reach every child”

To achieve the above, the campaign, or the “Global Health Program,” aims to “harness advances in science and technology” in developing countries, because these countries are the most neglected. The diseases concerned are diarrhea, HIV-AIDS, malaria, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases. Not stopping there, the Foundation also wants to focus on family planning, nutrition, maternal and neonatal and child health, tobacco control, and vaccine-preventable diseases. The problem is, the element of eugenics!

Short History of Eugenics

The legacy of the Catholic Church using religion to justify oppression and the extermination of non-Christians in the conquering of non-Christians laid the foundation, but a pseudo-science was incorporated months after the publication of Charles Darwin’s ‘The Descent of Man.’ Supporters began to misapply his arguments to the races and classes of man – eugenics. Eugenics is about the “improvement” of humans by selective breeding and culling, as in the annual British elite sport of fox-hunting. Fears grew as the European elite were having fewer children resenting the procreativity of the lower classes. Distorting the message of Christianity like Islam which views spiritual development as the only means towards the furtherance of the development of man; the poor were viewed as unsuitable candidates for bringing children into the world. It did not matter that man’s exploitation of man was an intrinsic factor.

It was in the 19th century that psychiatrists Dr. Benedict Morel, Wilhelm Griesinger, Emil Kraepelin and Henry Maudsley stressed the hereditary, biological and organic causes of mental illnesses and were reflected in the psychiatric texts of that century. Then labeled ‘psychiatric genetics’; eugenics developed at the Galton Laboratory as a spin-off from the Eugenics Societies in England and America. Records show notable members of the Eugenic Societies held influential positions reaching out into the everyday lives of ordinary people. They included:-

      • Dr. W. Norwood East – medical inspector to H.M Prisons for England and Wales, 1930. He was also a lecturer on ‘Crime and Insanity’ at Maudsley Hospital, 1937, an internationally renowned mental institution in S. London where many patients are Muslims and black people. He was also lecturer at the Galton Institute in 1947.

• Mr. A.W. F. Edwards – a membr in 1961 and 1977 active in the Department of Community Medicine at Cambridge University.

• Sir George Eley – member in 1939 , 1977 and Treasurer from 1946 – 1954. He was Chairman of the British Bank of the Middle East 1952 –1977 and director of the Bank of England 1946 – 1966.

• Professor, Dr. Sir Arthur Ellis – member 1937 and 1957. He was assistant physician at the Rockefeller Instittute and director of the Medical Unit , London Hospital 1924 – 1943.

• Professor Eysenk Hans Jurgen – member in 1947 and 1957. He was active in the Institute of Psychiatry at Maudsley Hospital 1946 – 1983. Remains unforgotten by many black people of the 1960s and 1970s as one of the engineers of I.Q tests that proved to be racist in design.

The Eugenics Society sponsored the Galton Lectures that became the Galton Institute. Francis Galton was the cousin of Charles Darwin , and formulated the definition of eugenics as the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial quality of future generations physically or mentally.

Experimentation in illicit drugs played a fundamental role in psychiatric genetics. It was in 1900 when the US government planted cannabis, opium and henbane along the banks of the Potomac River where the Pentagon now stands. Subject to controversy, the experiment in the ‘doping of America’ was short-lived. This led to the Food and Drugs Act of 1906. By 1901 N. Dakota banned marriage for alcoholics, the ‘insane’ and sufferers of tuberculosis. Adding to the concept of “unsuitable people” the Royal Commission on Feeble-Minded-ness alarmed many people by stating that their racial type was deteriorating because of the greater fertility of inferior strains and believed that social control of the individual was absolutely essential.

While the idea for the need of psychiatric eugenics grew in Europe and the US the Rockefeller Foundation poured money into Germany to support ‘psychiatric genetics’ in the 1920s including the Galton Laboratory, and found executives to continuously direct the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munich and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity. The Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin was involved in both institutions and was assisted by Rockefeller employees Otmar Freiher von Vershauer and Franz J. Kallman. Together the world’s richest families the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, the Harrimans and the British Crown agencies sponsored much of the social engineering enterprises. Carnegie’s Steel, Harriman’s railroad money and Rockefeller’s oil money supported installations like the Station for Experimental Evolution and the Eugenics Record Office, ERO which was also funded by the Eugenics Society. Research from the Galton Institute was employed for practical implementation by both the Society and the Office. The ERO set-up an inspection station on Ellis Island in 1912 for new immigrants. They received I.Q tests of which 80% mainly from South and East Europe were declared ‘feeble-minded’.

Scientific developments were about to give psychiatric eugenics some foundation. The concept of gene-mapping appeared as early as the 1930s with the study of mice, fruit flies and bread mold. At the same time the Rockefeller Foundation discovered that one strain of pneumonococcus could be made into another strain by transferring the DNA free of all protein affecting protein synthesis and cell metabolism. Psychiatric genetics became ‘mental hygiene’ and was now applicable to population control. For this a knowledge in societal make-up was required for which the Population Investigation Committee pioneered the mathematical science of demography which was set-up by the British Eugenics Society in 1936 financed by donations from interested individuals and organizations.

By the 1930s there were 34 US states which had laws against mixed marriages and 24 states had passed laws calling for sterilization of the ‘feeble-minded’, criminals, the poor and the mentally ill. Eventually 80,000 were sterilized in state institutions across the country. The 1935 German sterilization laws were modeled on the US laws .

Between 1930 – 35 the Rockefeller Foundation had financed an anthropological survey looking at ‘eugenically worthwhile populations’ which was carried out by Rudin, Verschuer, Eugen Fischer and others . Also, the Rockefeller Foundation found psychologists and eugenicists in order to form the medical research institution the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. This was directed by US General Marlborough Churchill who reorganized US military intelligence and the British secret service for WWI. The Macy Foundation managed London’s experiments in mind control and social engineering. In 1932, Rudin headed the Eugenics Foundation which was supported by the British-led eugenics movement, and argued for the killing or sterilization of people whose heredity according to them made these people a public burden or a national scapegoat.

By the mid-30s, Adolf Hitler was made German Chancellor. The governor of the Bank of England arranged for the armament of Nazi Germany and strategically advised the supporters of Hitler – the Rockefellers, the Warburgs and the Harrimans. Rudin became the head of the Racial Hygiene Society and along with his staff were appointed part of the task force of heredity experts that was chaired by SS chief Heinrich Himmler. In 1932 Hitler took over Germany through negotiations at the home of Joachim von Ribbentrop (part of the household of Duke of Connaught). Hitler was Britain’s weapon to break-up Europe into further manageable pieces as in Africa, Central Asia and currently the Middle East. Himmler drew-up the sterilization laws which were published in the US 1933 ‘Eugenical News’ with Hitler’s signature. Additional laws were drawn up including the illegal cohabitation of Aryans with non-Aryans by Otmar Verschuer and Dr. Josef Mengele.

The ERO received a grant from the widow of E.H. Harriman (President George Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush’s partner in Brown Brothers Harriman ) whose objective was to finance Hitler. Seizing all opportunity to continue experiments into ‘psychiatric eugenics’ regardless of war, I.G Farben built a large factory at Auschwitz in Poland to use the cartel’s patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. SS guards were paid for by Standard Oil while Jews and other prisoners were selected for killing if deemed unfit for slave labor. Rockefeller official David O’Brien wrote

    “…it would be unfortunate if it was chosen to stop research which has no relation to war issues”.

Rockefeller had defended its reputation defining its funding of Nazi German programs as limited to psychiatric research! Today’s largest financial institution Deutsche Bank was also involved in funding the construction of Auschwitz concentration camp along with others.

Psychiatric eugenics the psychological arm of genetic eugenics ( gene testing, cloning, prenatal genetic determination, artificial insemination, birth control and euthanasia) represents the public playing field. Despite the past horrors time and propaganda have eroded from sight the negative implications in the discoveries printed weekly in the press. The past may seem irrelevant, but it has been paving a way to the future.

Psychiatric eugenics became more concrete when the Rockefeller Foundation and the Canadian military joined forces in psychiatric research in 1943. Marijuana was a part of the research at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington where federal cases are kept. Chief psychiatrist, Winfred Overholser a Scottish Riter (freemasons), balanced marijuana and tobacco to induce a state of irresponsibility in the subject and became euphemistically known as the ‘truth drug’. This was given to US soldiers at Army bases under FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover, a Scottish Riter, in order to sift out any subversive elements.

Also in 1943 Otmar Verschuer became medical commander of Auschwitz concentration camp whilst serving as director of Rockefeller’s Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology securing funds for Mengel’s experiments from the German Research Council. The focus was twins. Mengele would hang around the railway cars arriving at Auschwitz to obtain his subjects. Experiments included the draining of blood daily, needles injected into their eyes for research on eye color, experimental blood transfusions and infections, organs and limbs were removed, sex changes were attempted, females were sterilized and the male twins were castrated.

Meanwhile in 1944 Norman Montagu resigned from the Bank of England and began the National Association for Mental Health, NAMH. His wife Priscilla Reyntiens a pro-eugenicist was vice-Chair. Norman’s British group expanded to take control of the world psychiatric profession. Verschuer wrote to the Bureau of Human Heredity in London in 1946 asking for help to continue his work and in 1947 the Bureau moved to Copenhagen and so did Verschuer financed by Rockefeller. In 1948, NAMH gathered the world psychiatric and psychological leaders from the International Congress on Mental Health at the UK’s Ministry of Health and formed the World Federation for Mental Health. Nina Ridenour, technical coordinator to the US delegation wrote in ‘Mental Health in the United States: A Fifty Year History’”

    “…the World Federation for Mental Health… had been created upon the recommendation of the United Nations, WHO and UNESCO because they needed a non-governmental (i.e. unchecked by law or constitution) mental health organization with which they could cooperate”.

The Congress was run by the host NAMH whose patron was the Duchess of Kent, widow of Grand Master of Masons 1939 – 42. By the 1950s, the British psychological warfare unit coordinated a behavioral control group at the Tavistock Institutute involving the Scottish Rite, the CIA, US, Canadian and UN agencies. Known as ‘MK-Ultra’ in the 1970s under the CIA experimentation included brainwashing by drugs, hypnosis and electroshock treatment. Dr. Franz J.Kallman psychiatrist to Rudin who had argued for sterilization of the healthy relatives of schizophrenics (viewed as criminals), Verschuer and others formed the American Society of Human Genetics which organized the Human Genome Project that arose out of the first International Congress in Human Genetics held in Denmark in 1956. In Britain, the British Eugenics Society set-up an Investigation Council in 1958 to:

    “…review the existing status and future possibilities of human artificial insemination genetically, medically, legally, and socially”.

The aim was to ensure continuity of genes from those deemed intellectually superior .

The Department of Energy, DOE, had many laboratories left over from the atomic bomb project possessing nuclear energy for power and production. They continued to experiment on the biological effects of irradiation at Oak Ridge, Llos Alamos, Livermore and Berkeley. So they had expertise ready to contribute towards the Human Genome Project with the physical capacity to separate chromosomes by size and strain speeding up the whole process. With training medical research developed interdependently from warfare and now consisted of biophysicists, physicists, nuclear medical experts and engineers launching the Manhattan Project for civilian biomedicine. This structure was formulated by the Atomic Energy Commission, AEC. All Manhattan Project reports were declassified for research in the medical and biological fields encouraging manufacturers to produce instrumentation for radiation measurement. One contract to UCLA from AEC for an annual $250,000 was for biophysics, radiology, nuclear medicine and cancer research.

By the mid-1970s hundreds of human genes had been mapped., but previous to this the Rockefellers nurtured debate on the notion of overpopulation. Under the Nixon Administration the official policy of eugenics was still active . The two roads of eugenics and overpopulation met under the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in their 1985 annual report the “Proud our past and planning for our future”. The plan included the continuance of eugenics in the form of birth control and/or sterilization of the ‘mentally retarded’, the ‘physically handicapped’, psychiatric patients, criminals and prisoners. They opened a clinic in Brownsville, New York, a neighborhood of Slavs, Hispanics, Italians and Jewish immigrants disguising abortion as birth control.

The Federally funded Indian Health Service sterilized 3,000 native Americans annually.

    “Surgical sterilization has become increasingly important in recent years as one of the advanced methods of fertility management” said Dr. R. T. Ravenholt, then director of the US office of Population.

This fertility management was successful because of unsuspecting victims. A 26-year old native American woman entered a clinic of a Los Angeles in 1970 seeking a womb transplant because she was having difficulty getting pregnant. After investigation the doctor informed her that she had had a hysterectomy. Sally Torpy in her research discovered through the records (1969 – 1974) of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, HEW, an increased family planning budget from $51mn – $250mn. From that 192,000 – 548,000 native American women had been sterilized under the directive of USAID which hoped to sterilize 25% of the world’s fertile women, which would be beneficial to US commercial interests. The logic of this can only be understood in the context that the developed countries have encountered decreasing fertility therefore fear a decreased influence on the global political and economic stage.

The Global Health Program

When it comes to global health, one thinks of the U.N. and such organizations, not the initiative of one man. Such is the hard earned wealth of Bill Gates that he can consider such a philanthropic idea. After all, in Islam, it is the rizq, sustenance of Allah, that has been given to the rich to play their role in establishing a societal equilibrium concerning the poor. Therein, it is natural to consider the poor of one’s own country, but to consider the whole world!

Eugenicists will eagerly seek to further such an initiative. As Gates states in the above video:

    “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number of 9 billion] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. But there we see an increase of about 1.3 [billion].”

The reasoning behind this goes deeper as Gates considers that this will greatly contribute towards bringing the projected population growth from 2.2 billion down to 1.3 billion on the basis of human Co2 emissions – yes human Co2 emissions!

    “Until we get near to zero [carbon emissions]” he claimed, “the temperature will continue to rise” – which he said would lead to “extremely bad” consequences…

“Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent,” Gates said at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in 2010.

Given the recent U.N. declaration that the holes in the ozone layers have stopped proliferating, Bill Gates may have been working in the IT industry for too long, and needs to touch base with the reality that man cannot predict the future, and that there is a greater power. One wonders if in his calculations he has included the current global death rate whether man-made or as a result of natural disasters. With a history of funding well-known pro-abortion programs, why set to do apply the same intention in a country other than one’s own, whereby there are significant issues pertaining to whole families living on the streets, and where increasingly many cannot afford healthcare? Not that one would want to inflict such an inhuman campaign on others, regardless where they come from, and regardless of their status, after all the one thing that God gave us, which seems to be amiss in the Global Health Program is the right to choose. Real choice means being informed, not just about the vaccine, but the nature of the vaccine, and the possible consequences, especially if people are not going to be tested beforehand for suitability. Vaccinosis is something that many do not here about, instead one hears about the importance of vaccines. Vaccinosis is a reaction to a vaccine, which can be mild or it can be acute. A mild reaction includes fever, respiratory problems, vomiting, digestive problems, headaches, swelling in the area vaccinated, fainting or seizures. An acute reaction to a vaccine causes urinary problems, problems with the kidneys, allergies, Attention Deficit Disorder, eczema, bowel dysfunction, autism, asthma, learning problems, or reproductive problems or the problem may defer to the offspring, amongst other reactions.

To further the global sterilization campaign, ideas such as directing sharp blasts of ultrasound to a man’s scrotum, rendering him infertile for 6 months is under consideration – this may sound harmless enough, but as many know ultrasound has been used as a tool for diagnosis since the 1970s, but ultrasound can cause negative as well as positive pressure on the object of focus. The pressure exerted causes molecules to both push and pull away from each other, which can lead to cavities in biological tissue, in fact on an ethical basis, experiments on humans cannot be carried out!

Another program funded by the Foundation towards reducing mass sterilization involves penetrating nanoparticles through human skin to deliver the vaccine. One thought that the problem was not the delivery of vaccines, but vaccines themselves. The researchers are Carlos Alberto Guzman of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany and Claus-Michael Lehr and Steffi Hansen of the Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research. The idea is that vaccine are to be delivered as a spray to be triggered by the sweat glands, and it has been postulated that this method opens the door to being sprayed without consent, and without knowledge.

To add insult upon injury, the Foundation not satisfied with handing the health of developing nations over to the pharmaceutical industry, is now including the agricultural industry, which has already monopolized what we grow and what we eat. The Foundation is funding risky genetically modified seeds for, who else, but the “hungry” Africans who have been developing their own sustainable agricultural initiatives. For instance, Nigeria has already developed without the use genetic engineering, a variety of corn that is drought, pest, and disease resistant!

Ignoring the impact of GM crops on non-GM crops, and land fertility, Gates, sorry the Foundation has partnered with a subsidiary of Pioneer Hi-Bred, DuPont in order to produce higher yields of GM corn for drought tolerant areas after he had partnered with the infamous agricultural giant Monsanto. To increase the impact, the seeds are to be given to small farmers for free!

The Gates Foundation seems set on its intent, and one can only pray that human will is more conversant with all the information necessary to make an informed choice, and at the same time are conversant with what life really involves, because even if the intentions of the Foundation are good, in the wrong hands the technology Gates is seeking to develop could be disastrous for hundreds if not millions! Governments should be aware of the implications involved and scrutinize any program from external elements that compromises the population in anyway particularly in light of the falling fertility rate that seems to becoming a growing problem in many countries (the irony is that this is happening moreso in developed countries), or undermines food security.

Sources: “British Eugenics List of Members”. Eugenics Watch 1930 –1990. 10/15/02.
Adams, M. Bill Gates Funds Covert Vaccine Nanotechnology…
Bill Gates “The US Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project: The Cost of the Manhattan Project”. 09/09/02., George. “A Brief History of the Human Genome Project”. 10/05/02.
Cahill, G. “A Brief History of the Human Genome Project”. 10/05/02.
Chaitkin, A. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Asassination”. 10/05/02. htp://
Greer, G. “Sex and Destiny”. Britain: Picador. 1984
Gutierrez, D. Bill Gates Now Pushing Genetically Modified Seeds in Africa
Johansen, B. “Native Americans: Reprise/Forced Sterilizations”. 03/06/02.
Kornblum, A. T. “Fremasonry and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum”. 06/29/02.
Lederman, Robert. “G.W Bush, Jesus and the Manhattan Institute”. 09/09/02.
Lederman, R. “What’s Hiding in G.W’s Cabinet?” 09/09/02.
Lenoir, R. “The Manhattan Project for Biomedicine”. 09/19/02. “The Banking Conspiracy”. 06/30/02.
Newman, H. “The Rainbow Swastika”. 10/05/02.
“The Timeline: 1900 – 1909”. 18 10/15/02.
Progressive Labor Party. “Racism, Intelligence and the Working Class”. Feb ’95. 22. 10/05/02. “The Genocide of Native Americans: A Sociological View”. 03/06/02. “The Manhattan Project”. 09/19/02.
Shah, S. “The Dark Secret Kept Hidden for 50 Years: How A Global Media Empire was Built on a Lie”. 10/09/02. 4. News: Business. 10/10/02.
Tillman, J. Gates Foundations Explains Bill Gates Re: Vaccines Reducing Population “Chapter II: The Survival of the Fittest”. 10/15/02. “The Manhattan Project”. 09/19/02.

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15 thoughts on “Bill Gates and Population Control

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  6. There no doubt being much wrong done in the
    seeking of power wealth / hence in keeping an
    clear record /every soul having their Spiritual
    Account. Lifes past where in bringing spiritual
    development /gains go into spiritual account
    such spiritual account can’t be lost as stolen it
    carried from life to life / your spiritual record.

    This said that you understand none be exempt
    from justice as brought to account for wrongs
    thus rest assured your concerns are accepted
    don’t not feel any escape justice / they do not.

    In regard to Bill he holding a healthy spiritual
    account / there much truth in what you say as
    his / getting involved toward that which being
    actions / intentions / of the worlds powerfull
    thus blinded by greeed power / wrongs done.

    Being Bill guilty of such wrongs / rest assured
    there no exceptions / he being held to account.

    Internet playing an major part in bringing human
    enlightenment thus teaching of the senses turned
    inward / where knowing the essence of creation.

    The purpose of the universe / planet Earth being
    it sustain a human form / purpose of human form
    VIA heart / brain there be ongoing understanding
    experiences / thus humanity reaching / final stage
    of the journey / that of turning the senses inwards
    where all knowledge revealed unto enlightenment.

    In their spiritual progress one needs of a spiritual
    teacher / On pc search put in (words of peace) as
    the (prem rawat foundation) both sites ( videos )
    of ( prem rawat ) speak on the journey of growth
    in spiritual development / ongoing development
    in understanding / experience / knowing thyself.

    With ( prem rawat ) humanity ever more blessed
    (Prem Rawat) not only a spiritual teacher / he is
    in mercy / in love/ The Teacher of All Teachers.

    • I am not in disagreement with you one little bit, but still there those who will be negatively affecte by short sighted actions, and they we are responsible for and accountable to for no man is an island, and all our actions will go our account

  7. Do / act on Spiritual science All problems would be solved easily
    My name is Djoko Putranto; let me tell you about myself. I grew up in a poor family. After I graduated from high school, I had to make money just for living by selling newspapers from house to house. I had to work hard to be able to attend some courses. I had applied for jobs but was continually rejected. For the next 6 (six) years, I became older and older without having enough money and with bad Mental health until one day I found a book about How to get great success in life . That is a really Spiritual science. I read it many times, tried to understand, practice carefully. In two months, I gradually became a totally new person. The world looked more beautiful. I would say: Life is good; life is beautiful I felt friendlier to others. For the first time someone said: You have a happy face. Finally, after less than two months I got a good job in a state bank and 6 (six) years later I got very good health. I have new hobby collecting Anime art…

    • Brother, could you truely say that you change in fortune was to do with the book, or more to do with the fact that you developed a more positive outlook!

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