The Paedophilia Past of Eurozone’s Chancellor Merkel’s Coalition Party*

The Paedophilia Past of Eurozone’s Chancellor Merkel’s Coalition Party*

Spiegel  reveals a disturbing link to what has become the Free Democratic Party (FDP), Germany’s ruling conservatives.

In November of 1982, the FDP invited a selection of  gays, lesbians, and pedophiles to a party to round off its federal convention.  The party even carried the FDP logo, emblazoned at the bottom right, which explicitly welcomed

“Lesbians and Liberals, Gossips and Sisters, Celebrities and Pederasts.”

Organized by the party’s working group on homosexuality, it was not just an all night bash.

In March 1980, FDP’s Young Democrats supported the removal of Paragraphs 174 and 176, which forbid sexual abuse of children and teenagers, from the German Criminal Code.

That liberal spirit brought about the long overdue decriminalization of homosexuality, which also led to calls to do away with the above mentioned Paragraphs 174 and 176.

Ahead of Berlin’s 1981 state parliament election Spiegel writes “The taboo is broken!” read a heading, followed by text praising five of the party’s initiatives. In addition to worthwhile projects such as a counseling center for gays and lesbians in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district, the FDP also obtained government funding for the General Homosexual Working Group (AHA). At the time, AHA didn’t just advocate the urgently needed decriminalization of homosexuality — it was also a lobbying group for pedophiles.

Taxpayers’ money went to AHA  a “Working Group on Pedophilia” that called for a reform of Germany’s sex crime legislation, offered support to pedophiles facing trial and published corresponding views on these subjects in the country’s newspapers. Olaf Stüben, one of the most famous and outspoken pedophiles of the period, was coordinator of AHA at the time the ad was published.

On May 5, 1981, the FDP’s parliamentary group invited experts to a hearing on the possibility of repealing the notorious Paragraph 175, which made homosexuality a crime.

The 11 experts who accepted the invitation included lawyers specializing in criminal law, sex researchers, a social worker and two gay activists. And among them were two professors, Rüdiger Lautmann and Helmut Kentler, both known at the time for their pro-pedophilia stance. Lautmann, a sociologist, told the parliamentarians that current beliefs concerning “age differences, the behavior of the younger party and the nature of the sexual contact” were entirely incorrect.

A Presentation on Pedophile Therapy

Kentler, a sex researcher who taught social education at Hanover University, even sat on the board of the German Study and Working Group on Pedophilia (DSAP) in 1980. At his appearance before the FDP parliamentary group, he presented a report on a project in Berlin being funded by the city’s senate.

As a psychologist, Kentler explained, he worked with children in the foster care system who suffered from “secondary mental retardation.” Starting in 1970, he explained, he placed these boys, ages 13 to 15, in the homes of pedophiles. He felt he had a good reason for doing so.

“These people were able to put up with these retarded boys only because they were in love with them, infatuated with them, crazy about them,” Kentler said.

He added that these “relationships” were closely supervised.

It was an outrageous act, a professor of psychology placing vulnerable young people at the mercy of self-confessed pedophiles. Yet this didn’t seem to disturb the FDP parliamentarians. According to a transcript of the hearing, there were no interjections or questions.

Dubious Connections

The FDP had connections even to those highest up in the pedophilia movement. In 1980, the highly active DSAP shared a post office box with the Humanistic Union (HU) in Düsseldorf. That organization’s federal chair was Ulrich Klug, an FDP politician, since deceased, who served as state secretary in the justice ministry of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia from 1971 to 1974 and as justice senator in Hamburg from 1974 to 1977.

The HU, which describes itself as an “independent civil rights organization,” also had a longstanding problematic position on the issue of pedophilia, maintaining close contact with the Working Group on Human Sexuality (AHS), which advocated the legalization of sex between adults and children. Not until 2004 did the HU distance itself from the AHS and its pro-pedophilia stance.

Lautmann, the sociologist, still serves on the HU’s advisory board, along with Green Party politicians Renate Künast and Claudia Roth. His 1994 book “Die Lust am Kind” (“Attraction to Children”) continues to be touted by pedophiles, although Lautmann has since distanced himself from the book in response to public criticism.

Justice Minister Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger of the FDP also serves on the HU’s advisory board. She was there nine years ago, when the civil rights organization grappled with — and ultimately distanced itself from — its past connections to pedophilia.

This makes it all the more strange that Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger now says the FDP doesn’t need to examine its own past. There seems ultimately to be ample evidence that the party once lacked critical distance from proponents of pedophilia.


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