Archive | March 19, 2012

30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

With an Open Heart

A few months back I came across this post on Create Your Great Life. The author, DeAnna had reblogged it from Marc and Angel Hack Life, and now I’m doing the same.

Originally, when I had hoped to start this blog closer to the New Year, and was busy scribbling down my New Year’s resolutions, I wanted to share this post as others were likely doing the same. But, life got in the way, things got delayed, and now it’s March. I’m posting it now, because as I approach finals, life is quickly getting the best of me, and I’m yearning for that New Year, New You feeling.  Even though it’s not New Year’s there’s really no wrong time reflect on life, make a conscious effort to stop doing the things that makes us feel like shit, and start living the life we want.

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The Sun Now Classified as a National Security Threat!

The Sun Now Classified as a Nationl Security Threat!


Putting jokes aside, this is  one clear case of erring on the side of caution, accept even by doing so, will have no affect whatsoever on the outcome, perceived or otherwise, but it is at times like these that we really see the stuff that those we voted for are made of….

The Daily Mail reports the Sun (our star) has been placed on U.Ks “official register” as a national security threat. With increased eruptions from the Sun that manifest as solar winds of radiation/Coronal Mass Ejections that can no longer be hidden as having a direct impact on the Earth’s magnetic field, and our highly technological societies, this increased activity from the Sun is feared will knock out the electric grid, ground aeroplanes, disable communication systems, and destroy electrical appliances – as to the affect on humans, that is still kept very much undercover. The Sun, our star has been now classified as National Risk of Civil Emergencies .

The register cites:

“While storm impacts in the early- to mid-20th century appear relatively benign, dependency on technology vulnerable to space weather has pervaded most aspects of modern life, and therefore the disruptive consequences of a severe solar storm could be significant.”

Once gain,nature reminds us that the level of development of one’s country does not make it immune from Greater Realities, and that all the money invested in “things” rather than people is a waste of resources as proven by the global economic system.

The Daily Mail reports that the chair of the parliamentary select committee on defence James Artbuthnot referred to the possibilty of man-made weapons “being” exploded in space setting off an electromagnetic  pulse that could knock out satellites, radar and the national grid. That’s the legacy of Star Wars for you!


Boffey, D “Solar Explosions Now on Official Register as Threat to The Security Of Hi-Tech Britain”

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